Faith For Justice

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Vision and Values

Faith for Justice is a coalition of Christian activists pursuing the biblical call to action in the public sphere.
We are continuing the story of biblical activism

Our Values: - Conformity to a sound biblical theology that influences the rhythms of daily life. - Submission to the biblical principles of speaking truth in humility and love; challenging evil actions no matter the cost; serving and empowering the poor and oppressed; - Live and speak a gospel that respects all people, reconciles them to God and each other, challenges systems that oppress, and destroys barriers that divide.

What does Faith for Justice do?

Fellowship and Debrief: Monthly meetings are a safe space for activists to debrief, dialogue and debate involvement in justice issues without having to justify their involvement in public justice. It equips like minded people to to work for Shalom with resilience, humility, and forbearance in hesitant and sometimes hostile contexts. Educate and Inform: We inform people of Jesus’ renewal of the biblical-prophetic tradition. Faith for Justice creates, coordinates and promotes events which offer forums for teaching and discussion in order to promote public justice in St. Louis.

Connect and Collaborate: FFJ is a meeting place for local and national evangelical activists. We are a collaborative clearinghouse of information on local events, resources for learning about biblical activism, and education for church bodies wanting to engage in deeper ways. Recently we have consulted for  Sojourners, Christianity Today, World Journalism Institute, Billy Graham Ministries, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Plant Midwest, Metropolitan Clergy United, PICO, NAACP, and the New City Network, Evangelicals for Social Action and The Pastoral Fellowship of St. Louis.